A Brief Introduction

Hello, and welcome to the Moratorium Library!

What is this? Well, it’s not a place; it’s more of a project. And, technically, it’s a blog. In the future, I will write many words, split up over manageable, bite-sized blog posts, and you (whoever you are) will read them——with luck.

There will be a full rundown of the who, what, where, when, why, and even the how on opening day, but I wanted to do a very brief post ahead of time to introduce the idea. As I’m planning it now, the Moratorium Library is an ongoing project without a set end date. Basically, I have a bunch of books on my shelves that have been sitting forlornly for quite some time, just waiting for me to finally give them a read, and that’s what I plan to finally do.

Beginning opening day of the Library, I’m going to put a pause* on purchasing new books——a moratorium, if you will——in order to focus on reading the books I actually own. I’m fairly certain the going will be slow, since I still plan on having a full-time job and other hobbies, relationships, and responsibilities to pursue for the foreseeable future. I might even share some of those things on the blog.

But I’m hoping to begin reading through the books on my shelves and updating the blog weekly with what I’m reading, what I finished, what else is going on in my life, and if I’ve caved yet and allowed myself to purchase new books. (I really hope I don’t do the last one——saving money would be really, really nice.) I’ll likely donate or give away any books that don’t resonate with me after they’ve been read, so keep your eyes here or on my socials for updates on that.

All that said, I’m hoping to keep this super low-key and low-pressure, so that I actually, maybe, stick with it for however long it takes me to actually read all the books I own. But I’ll apologize now for any missed weeks or belated updates. I’m going to share the link to the blog on social media, but, right now, my goal isn’t necessarily to have people read it. My goals are to 1) read the books I already own, 2) save some money, and 3) get myself on some kind of writing schedule, to promote consistent practice of the craft. Words are fun!

I have a bookshelf tour planned, hopefully to be posted next week, and maybe I’ll share links to an old blog or other such embarrassing places I’ve existed before on the internet. Stay tuned, if that’s of interest.

The Library officially opens on Sunday, May 1, 2022. I hope to see you there.

*With caveats, of course. More information on that to come!

Katie McGuire

Editor. MFA candidate. Trying to write more.


A Tour of the Stacks


Coming soon!