Riveting Content
Currently reading:
Raw Dog by Jamie Loftus
Books finished this week: 1
Where this book came from: Kew and Willow 💕
Why this book: I’ve read a bunch of Megan Abbott and she’s never let me down! ( . . . until now)
Thoughts: The number one word that came to mind the minute I finished this novel was disappointment. Disappointed in basically all the characters, disappointed in the terrible plotting and characterization, disappointed in the incredibly slow pacing, disappointed in the symbolism that really just did not land, disappointed in myself for not enjoying this book more. I cannot recommend this one at all. If you want some Megan Abbott in your life, try 2021’s The Turnout instead.
Library updates:
Sometimes, I sit down to type up these updates, and I’m at a loss for words. Not in a big, dramatic way. I just don’t feel like I have anything particularly interesting or valuable to say. There are weeks when I have some fun activities I want to recap, and others when I just had a thought and decided to expand upon a theme in this public forum, rather than scribbling away in my journal. There are weeks when I want to complain and weeks when something caught my eye.
I don’t really know what kind of week this has been. I saw friends, did some things, lost trivia (for the second week in a row, yikes), but I don’t really have much to recount. I didn’t feel particularly inspired or, on the other hand, put out by anything——nothing I feel comfortable ranting about publicly, anyway. (Insert grimacing emoji here.) I did finally get to see my therapist again, which at first I was ambivalent about——I made it through two months without her while she was on leave, certainly I’m Fixed™️——but by the end I was so very glad to have her back. I saw Barbie . . . twice. I cried both times. And I was told by my podiatrist that I have athlete’s foot. Hooray?
All in all, this was just a week. Not especially good or bad, not full of too many existential thoughts or deep wonderings. I didn’t write very much, and would like to change that next week. I did read a good amount, which is nice. It was very hot and I was tried from going to bed late and having to get up early.
This isn’t riveting, so I’ll call it here.
Closing thoughts:
Find what you love and do it with passion and confidence. (I was very inspired by Kurtis Conner’s latest video.)