A Short Sunday Missive
Currently reading:
Shroud for a Nightingale by P. D. James
Books finished this week: 0
Library updates:
My only plan for Christmas break is to read. I have the week between Christmas and New Year’s off from work and won’t have any freelance work to do (I hope to god), and I just want to enjoy books again instead of working on them.
I was cleaning my apartment a few days ago, top to bottom, and just staring at all the unread books on my shelves. It made me so sad. I know my media consumption comes in waves——type of media and also my ability to consume any media at all——plus I’ve been really busy. I’m trying to be gentle with myself, be more understanding, etc. etc. But I miss when I used to just sit for hours and read. I want to find my way back to the me who had those habits.
I’d also like to knit something. That’s not really related, it’s just a nice winter hobby.
It’s about 1:30pm on Sunday as I write this. I’ve mentioned in another post that I typically try to draft my posts at least a day or two in advance, so I can get them scheduled and then just worry about sending out emails on Sunday morning about the new read. (On that note, subscribe to the blog!! Scroll all the way down and share your email for weekly emails about the new Moratorium Library missives.) That . . . obviously did not happen this week. Partly because I hosted a holiday party last night——which was very, very fun and which may or may not be the reason why I am typing this in my bed at 1:30pm.
But partly because I just didn’t have much to share this week. Things were mostly fine, even good, which I’ll take! That just doesn’t make for very interesting blogging (especially in a book blog written by someone who has not finished reading a book in weeks).
So, I’m being gentle and understanding and etc. and letting myself end the blog here. A short missive, but one filled with good cheer. Happy holidays and see you next week!
Closing thoughts:
You don’t have to get it done right now. You have other days to try again. So if you need a break right now, no matter the reason——take it.