I Know a Place
Currently reading:
Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbott
Books finished this week: 2
Where this book came from: I literally don’t remember, I’ve had this book for so long. It’s been sitting in a stack of books under a side table in my living room almost since I first moved into my apartment, and was definitely on the shelves in my bedroom at my parents’ before that.
Why this book: I had borrowed NW from a friend and wanted to read more Zadie Smith.
Thoughts: I was unsure on this one for some of the early part of the book. I liked the opening, then I was jarred a bit by the sudden time jumps—back and forth through the unnamed narrator’s life. But I ultimately enjoyed this quite a bit.
Where this book came from: Purchased at a suburban Barnes & Noble a few weeks back. (And I’m just now realizing I forgot to record the purchase on the blog, whoops!!)
Why this book: It sounded like a juicy thriller——exactly what I like and perfect for a plane ride.
Thoughts: This one was . . . tough. So melodramatic and riddled with lines that were clearly meant to be cliffhangers. The main character was also awful—not in an “unlikable female lead” kind of way, but because she never took accountability for anything and didn’t really seem to change very much or learn anything over the course of the book. This was perfect for an airplane read, but I think I would have given up on it if I’d been on solid ground.
Library updates:
Greetings, loved ones. (That’s the opening line of the very fitting “California Gurls,” in case it sounds familiar.) I just flew in from San Francisco and, boy, are my arms tired!
Inane jokes aside, I did get back on Tuesday night and I’ve been exhausted ever since. Every work day, I set my alarm for sometime in the seven o’clock hour, and every morning, I didn’t actually get out of bed until quarter to nine. Thank god for working from home.
It was a good trip, though! Really good, even. We stayed in rural California in an excellent Airbnb with a glorious hot tub, and it felt good to sink into the general vacation atmosphere. Traveling with a large group of folks isn’t something I’ve had the chance to do very often, but I really like being one of many and allowing myself to be swept along by the will of the majority. Responsibilities? Decisions? I don’t know them.
We spent a day out at Yosemite to see the Firefall. Heading into the trip, I was trying to remember if I’ve ever been to a national park. I feel like I must have, at some point. But I’ve definitely never been to any of the important ones, so it feels like an accomplishment to now be able to check Yosemite off the list——icy parking lots and all.
The only not-so-good thing about the trip was realizing how wildly out of shape I apparently am. I have never claimed to be an outdoor girl, but I do walk a good amount (or, at least, I used to, back when I worked West Coast hours and had my mornings free to roam). Still, I did very much overestimate my abilities and I did absolutely have a panic attack on the side of a(n admittedly small) mountain on our first outdoorsy day. It also didn’t help that that easy hike turned into a difficult trail halfway through without warning. (There was literally a sign that said “Trail Difficult.”)
I love nature. Especially when it’s difficult.
But anyhow, I’m still exhausted, I now own hiking boots, and I wish I could spend all my time hopping around the country, visiting friends and exploring new places. Maybe when I retire (fabulously wealthy, of course).
I also spent a good amount of my travel time reading, which was fun! I find it funny that both of the books I finished since I last wrote a missive both have a 3.56 rating on Goodreads, and that I split the difference with them. I really liked Swing Time; I really did not like The Girls Are All So Nice Here. But I recommend both for different situations, and I think both made for good cross-country flight reading.
If you don’t take a photo of the plane wing, were you even on a plane?
Closing thoughts: