Riveting Content
Sometimes, I sit down to type up these updates, and I’m at a loss for words.
A Book Review?!
This review has been a long time coming, so I feel a bit of pressure to make it extra-good.
The Calm Before the Storm
Even when I don’t need rest, I’d still like my breaks to be restful.
Rest & “Relaxation”
I found it ironic that after feeling so guilty about taking a moment to rest, my body said, “Bitch, you are going to rest whether you like it or not.”
Front Row Center
I became intimately acquainted with the ways in which “a body in motion stays in motion” can become your default in life.
I feel better prepared to face the year ahead than perhaps I have in years past.
Creativity Night
You can’t leave me alone in a bookstore and expect me to not buy anything.
Riding in Logs with Strangers
I spent a long weekend in the Twin Cities, and, dang, but Minnesota was great!